Local Air Quality
The Port of Hueneme installed air quality monitors at Haycox Elementary and the first results have been collected. We have found in 5 years of air monitoring that air quality in Port Hueneme and South Oxnard is generally very good but that wind direction and the time of year makes a big difference in moving air pollutants around our community from sources like the 101 freeway and wildfires which our monitors can detect. Watch our presentation on the findings given to the Board of Harbor Commissioners on October 19, 2020.
What's New at the Port
Runners Dash to the Finish in Year Two of the Port/City 5k, Highlighting Fitness and Wellness with Free Community Fair
Port of Hueneme Contact: Zach Baliva Director of Communications & PIO zbaliva@Portofh.org (805) 271-2509 City of Port Hueneme: James Vega City Manager jvega@ci.port-hueneme.ca.us (805)986-6518 Download Press Release PORT HUENEME,…
Read MoreCollaborating for a Brighter Future: FIRST Robotics Competition Dives into Innovation at The Port Hueneme
At a ceremony held at the Port of Hueneme, Jess J. Ramirez was sworn in as president of the Oxnard Harbor District. Ventura County Supervisor Vianey Lopez administered the oath of office.
Read MoreDriving into the Future: Port of Hueneme and NYK Line Sign Historic MOU to Launch Green Automotive Shipping Corridor
At a ceremony held at the Port of Hueneme, Jess J. Ramirez was sworn in as president of the Oxnard Harbor District. Ventura County Supervisor Vianey Lopez administered the oath of office.
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