DOCK TALK 2020: Message from CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas

Kristin DecasSeasons Greetings to All!

As 2020 comes to a close, we look ahead to 2021 with hope, optimism, and a readiness for the day we can reunite with colleagues, friends, and family members. Our team has learned many lessons over the past year, one of which is that our Port family is strong and resilient. Since the pandemic began, our Port has never ceased moving cargo, supporting millions of families throughout California and across our nation. Our essential workers are the heroes that make this happen and we are extremely grateful for the courage they demonstrate every day.

Thank you to our customers! We are most fortunate to have incredibly strong partnerships with our customers which have fostered creative solutions in the midst of this storm. Despite a complete halt of auto manufacturing at the onset of the pandemic, cargo throughput is only down a modest 1% to date for this fiscal year. From our virtual platforms and/or in masks socially distanced, we are proud to say that our Port and our supply chain stakeholders continue to Make Cargo Move.

Although 2020 has thrown us many curve balls, we find the silver linings. In true Hueneme fashion, we continued to bring home more “firsts” and accolades for the Port. As you will read in this issue, Hueneme became the first port on the West Coast to secure on-dock cold-treatment for Peruvian blueberries. We also took home top national awards for communications, government advocacy outreach, and financial reporting. Congratulations to our customers Maersk, GLOVIS, K Line, and NYK Line for realizing great success on the environmental front, earning Blue Skies and Blue Whale Awards.

Our deep appreciation to our community, our labor force, and our customers for your strength and perseverance. As we head into 2021, I am confident that we will continue to pull together, stay strong, and keep the course.

Wishing you a healthy and joyful holiday season,

Kristin Decas
CEO & Port Director
Port of Hueneme



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