We Take Green Seriously
The Port of Hueneme is at the cutting edge of decarbonization efforts of large industrial facilities. Hueneme is a Nationally recognized leader in many areas of seaport sustainability and more broadly for our progress in the following critical areas:
- Port decarbonization with focus on
- New clean sources of energy
- New infrastructure to deliver that energy
- New zero emission equipment moving cargo powered by clean energy
- Community air quality monitoring network
- Green Marine Certification
- Blue Whales Blue Skies
- Community Outreach
- Workforce Development
Committed to Environment
The Port of Hueneme is committed to protecting the environment and supporting a healthy quality of life for our community. The Port plays a valuable role in the health and viability of the local and regional economies and takes very seriously its role as an active community partner and as an environmental steward.
Environmental Steward
Implementing green initiatives is the way we do business at the Port of Hueneme. In partnerships with our customers, the Port strives to minimize the environmental impacts associated with trade operations on the local community.
- Full compliance with federal, state and local regulations, and implementation of pollution prevention measures
- The Environmental Framework is an action plan for the Port to execute on and track its environmental stewardship programs
Green Initiatives
- The Port, and every port tenant, is proactive about reducing emissions by partnering in planning for a transition to zero emission equipment on Port and in currently using cleaner burning fuels in the vessels and equipment used to move cargo
- Clean energy is essential at the Port and includes using clean electrical power for cargo handling equipment like cranes and forklifts as well as ships at berth and light duty vehicles
- Replacing conventional diesel with renewable R99 diesel for Port harborcraft, and electrifying cargo handling equipment to reduce emissions
- The Port monitors water quality to understand local water quality in the harbor and local ocean
- In 2017, the Port prepared its first annual Air Emissions Inventory (EI) to quantify the air quality impacts associated with maritime operations and has continued to do so annually

What's New at the Port
Runners Dash to the Finish in Year Two of the Port/City 5k, Highlighting Fitness and Wellness with Free Community Fair
Port of Hueneme Contact: Zach Baliva Director of Communications & PIO zbaliva@Portofh.org (805) 271-2509 City of Port Hueneme: James Vega City Manager jvega@ci.port-hueneme.ca.us (805)986-6518 Download Press Release PORT HUENEME,…
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At a ceremony held at the Port of Hueneme, Jess J. Ramirez was sworn in as president of the Oxnard Harbor District. Ventura County Supervisor Vianey Lopez administered the oath of office.
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At a ceremony held at the Port of Hueneme, Jess J. Ramirez was sworn in as president of the Oxnard Harbor District. Ventura County Supervisor Vianey Lopez administered the oath of office.
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