Port Board throws support behind Energy Efficient Ports Bill

Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell’s Assembly Bill 678 aims to reduce environmental impact

Port Hueneme – On July 27, 2015 the Board of Harbor Commissioners threw their support behind AB 678 by Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell establishing an Energy Efficient Ports Program administered by the Air resources Board (ARB) in conjunction with the California Energy Commission (CEC), to fund energy efficiency upgrades and investments at public seaports that help reduce the emissions criteria for pollutants, toxic air contaminants, and greenhouse gases. The bill will specify that moneys appropriated to ARB from the Green House Gas Reduction Fund may be used to fund the Energy Efficiency Ports Program.

Jess Herrera President of the Board said “The District looks forward to legislation that advances programs that protect our community by creating a healthier environment for everyone.”

Port CEO and Executive Director Kristin Decas said, “Board leadership in supporting AB 678 should it pass, will enable our Port team to advance our environmental framework and energy plan, giving us the tools needed to reduce emissions, air contaminants and greenhouse gases.”

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