Port Takes Home Awards at the Green Shipping Summit USA

Kristin Decas (right) with Eleanor Kirtley (left) of Green Marine

Kristin Decas (right) with Eleanor Kirtley (left) of Green Marine

The Port’s cutting edge environmental programs and strategic implementation of eco-friendly action plans received high accolades at last Tuesday’s Green Shipping Summit held in Los Angeles, CA. The Port was honored with “The Greenest Port of the Year” award, and Port Director/CEO Kristin Decas received “Maritime Executive of the Year”.

Board President Jason Hodge celebrated the occasion remarking, “In 2012 the Board of Harbor Commissioners made the bold and important decision of adopting an Environmental Framework to guide the Port’s investments in environmentally sustainable practices and green technologies.  Five years later, we are proud to say we have made those investments and the results are now being recognized nationally and internationally.  We commit to our community to stay the course and continue to lead the way to a greener future.”

The Green Shipping Summit has historically been held in Europe; however this year, for the first time ever, a second summit was held in Los Angeles to focus on Green Shipping in the United States. The Summit included port authorities, alternative fuel providers, ship builders, and various leaders in the goods movement supply chain for two days of dialogue, sharing of best green practices, and setting the course for integrating green technologies of the future.

On day one of the Summit, Decas gave a compelling presentation highlighting the innovative green practices the Port is bringing to fruition every day, and why Hueneme is more that “just” a port. From the installation of shore side power to the adoption of the Environmental Framework, the Port has made protecting the environment paramount to its continued success. She also emphasized the Port’s commitment to being a good steward of the environment and enriching the surrounding communities it serves. As day one of the Summit came to a close, event organizers reminded attendees to cast their ballots for the six award categories. The Port of Hueneme was nominated in the Greenest Port of the Year category along with the Ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, New York/New Jersey, and Seattle. In addition, Decas was among twenty-two industry leaders nominated for Maritime Executive of the Year for her leadership in environmental sustainability and achievements in implementing green technologies at the Port of Hueneme.

The Port of Hueneme ultimately won Summit delegates over by showcasing its commitment to not only speaking about the importance of sustainable environmental practices, but dedicating the funding and manpower to bring these projects to life. The Port was awarded Greenest Port of the Year for being the first port in California to be Green Marine certified, and Decas was awarded Maritime Executive of the Year for her environmental leadership in the goods movement industry. In a playful gesture, the Summit host announced Hueneme taking home the top two awards by teaching the crowd how to properly pronounce the name “Why-Knee-Me”.

The Summit also named Crowley Maritime Corporation the Greenest Shipowner, General Dynamics NASSCO the Greenest Shipyard, Wärtsilä the Greenest Service Provider, and ContiTech the Greenest Bunkering Solution.

Following the awards ceremony, Decas noted “It was an honor to be nominated amongst a very deserving field of industry leaders, all of which have achieved tremendous advancements in helping green the goods movement supply chain.” Decas continued, “We are committed to continuing our robust efforts to implement green technologies and integrate environmental stewardship into our daily priorities.” Decas also stated her desire to see more events that convene industry in a forum where the best of minds can continue to work together to develop and promote technologies for a greener world today.

Not only did Summit attendees learn how to pronounce the name, they also learned that the Port of Hueneme is synonymous with leadership in environmental sustainability. The Green Shipping Summit added, “the Port of Hueneme was recognized for being the greenest and most environmentally sustainable port. Congratulations!”

Port of Hueneme Green Links:

The Green Shipping Summit USA is an international high-profile Maritime Industry event, where you can find everything under one roof: Technical & Congress Conference, Focus Exhibition and Maritime Awards Ceremony. The Summit gathers more than 300 global industry leaders, representing companies all across the value chain to discuss the latest shipping news and trends, share knowledge, network, make new business partnerships and together find greener solutions for the better future. www.gssummit.us

Green Marine environmental program offers a detailed framework for maritime companies to first establish and then reduce their environmental footprint. Our participants –ship owners, ports, Seaway corporations, terminals and shipyards- have to demonstrate year-over-year improvement in measurable ways to maintain their Green Marine certification. Reports are independently verified every two years to ensure the program’s rigor and integrity. The process is also transparent as each individual results are made public every year. www.green-marine.org

The Port of Hueneme is one of the most productive and efficient commercial trade gateways for niche cargo on the West Coast. The Port is governed by five locally elected Port Commissioners. The Port moves $9 billion in goods each year and consistently ranks among the top ten U.S. ports for automobiles and fresh produce. Port operations support the community by bringing $1.5 billion in economic activity and creating 13,633 trade-related jobs. Trade through the Port of Hueneme generates more than $93 million in direct and related state and local taxes, which fund vital community services. www.portofhueneme.org

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