Port Partners with Community on Humanitarian Effort in Costa Rica

October 10, 2017 — The Port was able to partner with ENCOUNTER Bible Fellowship Church of Ventura, Del Monte Fresh Produce, ILWU, Ports America, and LAMA to bring supplies to the La Montana Christian Camps in Costa Rica. The collaboration between the partners was marked today at the Port during Del Monte’s vessel call and it marked the success of several months’ ongoing efforts to support educational programs in Costa Rica aimed at helping youth raise above their current economic conditions.

Oxnard Harbor Commissioner Jess Herrera (center), CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas, Craig Johnson of ENCOUNTER Bible Fellowship Church, Ramon Rios of Del Monte Fresh, Casey Dexter of Ports America, Warren Shelton of ILWU, and port staff celebrate the sending of two shipping containers to La Montana Christian Camp in Costa Rica.

Oxnard Harbor Commissioner Jess Herrera (center), CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas, Craig Johnson of ENCOUNTER Bible Fellowship Church, Ramon Rios of Del Monte Fresh, Casey Dexter of Ports America, Warren Shelton of ILWU, and port staff celebrate the sending of two shipping containers to La Montana Christian Camp in Costa Rica.

The departure of these two containers full of donated goods was marked by Secretary of the Board of Harbor Commissioners Jess Herrera who said: “At a time when disasters are hitting many parts of our world, we are proud that when we are called upon to support a humanitarian effort, the Port of Hueneme family of Commissioners, staff, stevedore companies, and longshoremen have all donated their time and labor to a mission supporting children in Costa Rica. The Port of Hueneme is not only a bright spot in our economy, but a bright spot in humanitarian effort as well.”

Oxnard Harbor Commissioner Jess Herrera commemorates the collaboration between the Port, Del Monte, Ports America, ILWU, and ENCOUNTER Bible Fellowship Church to ship the supplies to Costa Rica.

Oxnard Harbor Commissioner Jess Herrera commemorates the collaboration between the Port, Del Monte, Ports America, ILWU, and ENCOUNTER Bible Fellowship Church to ship the supplies to Costa Rica.

The importance of working together to assist the community in one of the Port’s top trading partners- Costa Rica was noted by Chuck Caulkins-Del Monte Terminal Manager at the Port who noted: “Del Monte Fresh Produce is so pleased to be able to team up with such a fine group of community organizers in support of LAMA and the La Montana Christian Camps in Costa Rica. Del Monte has a large presence in Costa Rica, and this is just one example of the great things that can happen when people at the grass roots level initiate activity to benefit those who need it most.”

“The material that this container holds are all the materials used at the camp grounds. The purchasing power of the dollar is much better here in the States, the cost to purchase this same equipment down there would be much higher.” And I can’t say how grateful I am to Del Monte and everyone responsible to accomplish this through their own generosity. The longshoremen are loading the containers on the ship just as a donation. We are super honored and blessed by their generosity.” – Executive Director Joe Pent of LAMA and La Montana Christian Camp, Costa Rica expressed gratitude for the successful teamwork.

Fernando Basua retired Longshoreman of 52 years and member of the ENCOUNTER Bible Fellowship Church Men’s Group shared with attendees: “I am happy we could connect the dots to be able to help the kids down in Costa Rica. The containers will carry the refrigerators, bikes, loaders, and gators down there. We approached Chuck of Del Monte for space on one of the ships and he was able to give us space for both of the containers. Then, we got Ports America to donate the loading for free, and ILWU 46 to use four of their labors for free as well. Everyone has really pitched in to make this all happen.”

The donated containers left on October 4th on the Star Pride V.38 and will arrive into Costa Rica this week on October 14th-Saturday, just in time for the youth camp to use and enjoy them.

Backhoe being loaded and headed to Costa Rica on the Del Monte vessel.

Backhoe being loaded and headed to Costa Rica on the Del Monte vessel.

Caption for cover photo: Donated goods being loaded in one of the two shipping containers headed for Coast Rica.

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