Efficient and Uncongested Sea Access
The Port of Hueneme’s prime global geographic location provides shorter sailing times and quicker access to berths. The only commercial deep-water port between Los Angeles and San Francisco, the Port of Hueneme is adjacent to major populated urban areas, automotive epicenters and California’s agriculture heartland. The Port is just 60 miles north of the major metropolitan center of Los Angeles and offers a highly efficient and uncongested alternative to other west coast ports.

Getting You In And Out Faster
The Port is a key Commercial Trade Gateway to North, Central and South America, Asia, Europe and Scandinavia. The Port is also the west coast leader partnering with US Maritime Administration (MARAD) to enhance Short Sea Coastal Shipping initiatives. With our effective berth management, we get you to a berth fast:
- Pilots and purpose-built tugs provide quick approach and departure. Less than one hour approach and 30 minute departure.
- Port approach is a deep water canyon allowing quick and efficient access to the shipping channel from The Port.
- Secure, clean, well maintained port complex.
- Free X-rays by on-site CBP and all cargo scanned for radiation signatures at no cost (at gate) allows for timely inspections.
A Vibrant U.S. West Coast Port with Higher Productivity and Lower Congestion.
Our flexible attitude, convenient location, and specialized focus has made The Port one of the most productive and efficient international trade gateways on the Pacific Coast.
Bring Your Cargo to the Port of Hueneme
Contact Elizabeth Arias, Business Development Manager
What's New at the Port
Runners Dash to the Finish in Year Two of the Port/City 5k, Highlighting Fitness and Wellness with Free Community Fair
Port of Hueneme Contact: Zach Baliva Director of Communications & PIO zbaliva@Portofh.org (805) 271-2509 City of Port Hueneme: James Vega City Manager jvega@ci.port-hueneme.ca.us (805)986-6518 Download Press Release PORT HUENEME,…
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At a ceremony held at the Port of Hueneme, Jess J. Ramirez was sworn in as president of the Oxnard Harbor District. Ventura County Supervisor Vianey Lopez administered the oath of office.
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