Port Welcomes First Zero-Emission Crane

Clean Air, Green Jobs, and Zero-Emission Ship to Shore Delivery

July 9, 2019 – The Port of Hueneme joined stevedoring company Ports America on Saturday to welcome a zero-emission mobile harbor crane all the way from the Port of Bremerhaven, Germany. The new addition is the next step in the Port’s green initiatives. It will not only increase capacity for unloading cargo, but do so with zero emissions.

“The addition of the Liebherr hybrid crane is the next step in building upon our track record as the Greenest U.S. Port, and a signal to the community that we follow through on our promises to grow in sustainable ways,” said Oxnard Harbor District President Jess Herrera.

The new crane represents a $7 million investment by Ports America, one of the Port’s premiere stevedoring companies, and top partners in continuing the legacy of sustainable jobs at the Port. This new addition will join the Port’s other two mobile harbor cranes, and will be assembled and operational by August. The crane is a hybrid, with the capacity to run on diesel or electricity. It will plug into the Port’s electrical infrastructure currently being implemented as part of the Port’s $3 Million ZANZEFF (Zero And Near Zero-Emission Freight Facilities) grant. The crane is integral in supporting the Port’s vision for the world’s first zero-emission ship to store avocado. The crane has the capability to move anywhere on port, however its primary home will be on the South Terminal, handling containerized cargo in support of the Port’s banana and fresh produce operations.

The base of the new hybrid mobile harbor crane arrives on board the NYK Line Cassiopeia Leader, weighing 150 tons
The base of the new hybrid mobile harbor crane arrives on board the NYK Line Cassiopeia Leader, weighing 150 tons (including the SPMT)

“The addition of this crane is a piece of the larger vision for the Port, a move to zero emission cargo handling equipment and toward a carbon free economy,” said CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas. “This will not only provide cleaner air for our community, but it will also increase productivity for our customers, thereby increasing capacity, and sustainable economic growth.” With the addition of the new crane, the Port will be able to handle more cargo at higher efficiencies, and more cargo means more sustainable jobs and increased prosperity for the community.

The spiral staircase along with several other pieces of the new hybrid mobile harbor crane loaded on mafi trailers inside the NYK vessel
The spiral staircase along with several other pieces of the new hybrid mobile harbor crane loaded on mafi trailers inside the NYK vessel

Casey Dexter, Ports America General Manager stated, “Ports America continues to invest in the Port of Hueneme. The important addition of a Liebherr hybrid mobile crane provides our fruit customers the needed support and service for years to come and will further enhance the ongoing applications of green initiatives. Ports America is committed to the Port of Hueneme and its community.”

The Port was buzzing on Saturday as the crane was unloaded in several pieces off of the NYK Cassiopeia Leader by the ILWU and Mammoet workers. Taking about two hours to unload just the base of the crane, the months of planning and collaboration finally paid off as all the pieces of the crane were successfully unloaded onto the Port’s North Terminal.

The base of the new hybrid mobile harbor crane on the SPMT being unloaded
The base of the new hybrid mobile harbor crane on the SPMT being unloaded

“We had to coordinate with a lot of third parties, it is a bit complicated as we [NYK] are the carrier, Ceres is the stevedore unloading the crane, and the crane is actually bound for Ports America who is also the shipper… Liebherr, the manufacturer, is here to actually assemble the crane, and Mammoet is another third party here operating the SPMT (self-propelled modular transporter) device… and T & T Crane Company had to unload the SPMT to assist in unloading the crane,” said Jack Duesler of NYK Shipping Lines. “NYK’s job is to get it safely to the first point of rest”.

The Port’s customers stand to benefit from the increased ability to load and unload cargo in a more efficient and cleaner way. Chuck Caulkins, Port Manager for Del Monte Fresh Produce at the Port of Hueneme explained, “the addition of a third mobile harbor crane in Ports America’s arsenal will greatly improve the efficiency of Del Monte’s operations in the Port of Hueneme. The hybrid characteristics of the new crane are important to Del Monte’s global sustainability efforts. This milestone could not come at a better time as Del Monte celebrates it’s 40th anniversary partnering with the Port of Hueneme.”

Timothy Child, Chief Operation Officer for Sealand, a liner service that calls on the Port stated, “we welcome the Port’s investments to reduce air emissions from cargo operations. This aligns with our own progress in reducing supply chain environmental footprints. Our customers and stakeholders increasingly demand low carbon transportation and cleaner air around ports.”

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